Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Fuzzy Heart's Journey...

One little fuzzy decided to make a journey... He knew in his heart that this family loved him, loved Fuzzies. It was a little scary to think of going away. But he had heard about the beginning. Long ago, years and years ago, a little girl had fallen in love with Fuzzies. And so had her friend. They had patted them, collected them, drawn them, loved them. But then they had grown up. Now, in this house, Fuzzy knew that this love had been passed down. From Little Girl Grown Up, to her own Little Girl Now. But what of Little Girl Friend? Was she too a Little Girl Grown Up? Did she have a Little of her own too now? Fuzzy just had to know. So he decide to ask Little Girl Now. To help him make a Journey. To get to the heart of the matter. To search out hearts, both Little Now and Little Then. To see if Fuzzy Love existed still. Was being passed down... shared... alive & warm. So, on a very cold, blustery day, from Sugarland to Charm City he traveled.

And he found it! LOVE! A Little Boy Now, lived in a house, in a city. He was a very busy Little Boy Now. His Mother, a Little Girl Grown Up, gave him lots of jobs to do. Counting his favorite animals, telling the stories of Charlie Brown, the Pirate, and Helper of Columbus, making dinner, finding milk cartons, and of COURSE making pictures!

Fuzzy didn't know what to expect at first. Would he fit in? Would Little Boy Now love him? He needn't have worried, but don't we all have such worries at times? In new places? With new people and new friends? I think so. It's very natural. Just as natural as Love itself.

When Little Boy Now heard Fuzzy's letter, and saw Fuzzy for the first time? You can hardly describe it with words. But I will try! The instant he saw Fuzzy, Happy Light shone from Little Boy Now's eyes, and smile and teeth and heart! He Laughed out loud, one sweet laugh! And he held and beheld Fuzzy in his hand, wondering at how he was made. But for a moment! And then Little Boy Now put all Fuzzy's fears to rest. He knew just where he fit in, which filled Fuzzy's heart with joy and peace.

And so Fuzzy's Quest was fulfilled. To spread Fuzzy Love to the next Littles. And of course, to fit in. In places and in hearts.

Congratulations, Fuzzy! You did it!

Saturday, January 16, 2010